Saturday, August 12, 2006
Does anyone like flashbacks in books? In my first two books, I wrote a lot of them. But in my defense, there was a good reason for that. Both books dealt with couples that knew each other in the past. During edits for On the Run, a lot of them got edited out, but a couple remained. I hope they didn't distract from the story.
In my second book, the one I'm tweaking now before submitting, I find myself deleting a lot of them. Mainly because they seem so corny to me now. Part of me has doubts about what I'm doing. What if people like them? But another part tells me to go with my instinct. If I don't feel they need to be there, then I'm probably right.
In my current WIP, the third book in my racing series, I don't have to worry about it since the couple are meeting for the first time. Thank God. That was a nice change.
In other news, I finished a couple stories I submitted for anthologies. Now I just have to wait and see if they are accepted for submission. I think they are crap, but as a wise woman told me, most writers think the same way. LOL We are a confident bunch.
Do you think writers like Nora Roberts ever send manuscripts to their publishers, saying, "It's crap. But the best I can do." Somehow I don't think so. Maybe it's just newbies like me. Of course I didn't actually say that in the email. Only in my head. And here. And to anyone who will listen to me. ;)
Back to writing crap...
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