Thursday, August 31, 2006

What to Write?

I created this blog with every intention of coming in here and discuss my writing. But I haven't had much to say. What can I say about it? I write all the time. So what to write here? I could pick a topic and write about that. But structured writing is never good for me. I always end up going on tangents.

So maybe I can somehow combine the personal with my writing.

I've always wanted to write. There was never a time in my life when that wasn't what I wanted to do when I grew up. From the moment I held a pen (or crayon) I wanted to create words. I wanted to lose myself in a story. Growing up, I would go out in the backyard, sit down on my swing and daydream. I made up a life for myself that was usually pretty outrageous and centered around television shows I watched. I remember loving the bedroom the boys at on Different Strokes and imagining I had one like that.

I could daydream anywhere. When I went to the grocery store, I would imagine I was shopping for my own family. I would buy office supplies (now I just say, WHY?) and pretend like I was in a office. As I got older, I would imagine what it was like when I had a child and in bed at night, I would imagine myself spooning with a man.

When I had my child at twenty, my dreams kind o went to the side. I don't remember writing that much back then. I was still reading and daydreaming to myself, but I wasn't putting them on paper anymore.

Then something happened. Not just to me, but to the whole area I lived in. The DC sniper. Suddenly, I realized how random life was and that I was going to write the book I always wanted to write, I'd better do it soon! That's how On the Run was born. Is it the best book I will write? That remains to be seen. But it will always have a special place in my heart. It was born out of fear and determination. It helped me discover forgotten dreams.

Well, I'm not sure what I'm going to write in this blog from now on, but at least I found a place to start. I will try to keep it up.

Posted by Melanie Anderson @ 6:06 PM


Right now? The sound of my fingers on the keyboard.


Probably something I'm attempting to write. Or something by Susan Elizabeth Phillips since I'm doing a big reread of her right now.


My computer screen